Living with Tabitha is, I swear, like having a child.
She makes a mess.
She whines.
She follows me everywhere - even into the bathroom, where she immediately wants to leave because it is the Bad Place of Flea Shampoo, or the toilet, where she gives me dirty looks for its lack of interestingness.
If I go into the kitchen, she expects a Treat. This applies even when "going into the kitchen" can be defined as "passing through it because the layout of this building is such that the kitchen is a primary walkway".
And yet, she is cute and I love her.
She makes a mess.
She whines.
She follows me everywhere - even into the bathroom, where she immediately wants to leave because it is the Bad Place of Flea Shampoo, or the toilet, where she gives me dirty looks for its lack of interestingness.
If I go into the kitchen, she expects a Treat. This applies even when "going into the kitchen" can be defined as "passing through it because the layout of this building is such that the kitchen is a primary walkway".
And yet, she is cute and I love her.